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          "text": "Discover the unmatched joy of having Cedar in your life—a playful and intelligent labradoodle who’s eager to please and full of enthusiasm! Cedar boasts a confident demeanor and a moderate energy level, making him the perfect companion for any active household. His inquisitive nature and exceptional problem-solving skills will keep you entertained as he explores the world around him, ensuring that there’s never a dull moment.

Cedar’s independent spirit also presents a fantastic opportunity for bonding through obedience training. This experience not only strengthens your connection but also enhances his impressive skills—after all, with evaluation scores mostly in the 4's, Cedar shows remarkable potential for dog sports, hiking, running, and any stimulating activity you can think of!

Ideal for an experienced dog family ready to embrace an active lifestyle, Cedar is more than just a pet; he’s a loyal companion waiting to share exciting adventures with you. Don’t let the chance to welcome this incredible pup into your home slip away. By choosing Cedar, you’re opening the door to a lifetime of joy, love, and unforgettable experiences. Make Cedar a cherished member of your family today!"
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This is the ad id. You'd think it'd be 'ad_id', but facebook decided to make it confusing 🤦‍♂️