All Post Comments

Convenience API to get all comments from a Reddit post including nested replies. This will take a long time if there are a lot of comments.


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curl "" \
  -H "x-api-key: "
    "body": "Puppeteer/playwright can pull that info from network tab from devtools",
    "ups": 2,
    "author": "alex3321xxx",
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    "body_html": "<div class="md"><p>Puppeteer/playwright can pull that info from network tab from devtools</p>
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    "body": "Are you trying to record traffic ? If so, just use Charles proxy or proxyman and record a session to find what you need.",
    "ups": 1,
    "author": "casual_review_guy",
    "url": "",
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    "body_html": "<div class="md"><p>Are you trying to record traffic ? If so, just use Charles proxy or proxyman and record a session to find what you need.</p>
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    "body": "I don't think people will be able to give you precise help, given how broadly you have phrased your question.

* Are we talking about GET or POST requests?  
* What makes API call inconsistent?
  * The URL structure?
  * The response format?

My money is on the URL structure. If it's the URL: From which point onward does the URL become unpredictable? What's common about different calls? What parameters make the URL unpredictable?  
If there's wonky parameters included in the URL that you cannot predict (e.g. some odd ID or hash), see if you can derive them from another XHR's response.

If the hash is generated through client side (potentially obfuscated) JavaScript, then best of luck to you.",
    "ups": 1,
    "author": "Zambucafy",
    "url": "",
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    "body_html": "<div class="md"><p>I don't think people will be able to give you precise help, given how broadly you have phrased your question.</p>

<li>Are we talking about GET or POST requests?<br/></li>
<li>What makes API call inconsistent?

<li>The URL structure?</li>
<li>The response format?</li>

<p>My money is on the URL structure. If it's the URL: From which point onward does the URL become unpredictable? What's common about different calls? What parameters make the URL unpredictable?  </p>

<p>If there's wonky parameters included in the URL that you cannot predict (e.g. some odd ID or hash), see if you can derive them from another XHR's response.</p>

<p>If the hash is generated through client side (potentially obfuscated) JavaScript, then best of luck to you.</p>
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    "created": 1737735916,
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    "body": "haha good luck with selenium, i know how to do it but i use a chrome extension to enter the network tab and get all the beautiful XHRs , hidden apis, cookies, everything.",
    "ups": 1,
    "author": "ZorroGlitchero",
    "url": "",
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    "score": 1,
    "author_fullname": "t2_4u2x6yo5",
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    "body_html": "<div class="md"><p>haha good luck with selenium, i know how to do it but i use a chrome extension to enter the network tab and get all the beautiful XHRs , hidden apis, cookies, everything.</p>
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    "body": "Have a look at seleniumwire.

I am pretty confident it will work for your needs.",
    "ups": 1,
    "author": "IceCreamMonomaniac",
    "url": "",
    "subreddit_id": "t5_318ly",
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    "body_html": "<div class="md"><p>Have a look at seleniumwire.</p>

<p>I am pretty confident it will work for your needs.</p>
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    "body": "If URL is changing but its producing the consistent or at least expected data on the page, its possible that URL params are encoded. Few days back I was scraping a website where filters, offset, limit all were base64 encoded twice (once individual k,v pairs were encoded and then joined string was encoded). It was first time I encountered it but copy pasting URLs in chatgpt and claude helped me figure that out.",
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    "body": "Use a proxy and then set up a service to query the files created by the proxy",
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